So yesterday at Katherine's daycare they had a parade for the Fourth of July. Most of the older kids worked on projects all week to use. The teachers made each of the kids in the infant room a hat. This was Katherine's.
Happy Fourth of July, everyone. Drink beer, eat hotdogs, blow things up. It's the American Way.
DO NOT TELL THE LOLRUS I HAS A BUCKET!! Lemme get mai bucket. Is over heer.
And what do we do with the bucket now that we have it? Why, this, of course!
And this is how we play.
Her newest game, other than "Put teh Bucket on Mah Head" is called "Put Random Toys in My Bucket, Walk a Few Steps, Sit Down, Take the Toys Out of My Bucket, Spin Around On My Bum and Repeat." This is an extremely long name for a game so we've asked Katherine to come up with a shorter name or some kind of acronym. The only other names she can come up with are "A gee gee ju gee" and "diggy" which is actually her way of saying "doggy." She has not been helpful.
It seems as though I had started a birthday post about a month ago (this is actually getting published on 6/30). And it also seems as though I've forgotten about it. Anyway, here's some cake pictures.
When we said there was no where she couldn't go, we really meant it. Really.
I guess there's only one thing left to do. Wedge her somewhere she can't get her toy bin. Truthfully, she did this to herself. Really. Daddy just made sure he went and got the camera before getting her out.
I can't believe she is already almost 10 months old! She still has only the 2 bottom middle teeth, but is definitely working on more. She is crawling everywhere and can stand up holding on to things. She started cruising a bit this past weekend (walking holding on to things), so walking should be coming soon! Unfortunately, she does have a nasty cough right now (thanks to me!) but other than that, she is a perfectly happy baby!
Here are some pictures we took of Katherine on Easter Sunday for you to enjoy.